Consulting Hourly Rates Hardware

Big Tech Computer Services

Providing computer systems support and service for individuals and small businesses

(214) 893-8085

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Onsite consulting and troubleshooting

Most of the time people start by just knowing that they have a problem. Clarifying what the problems is and what its cause is would be my job. Normally this would involve talking to the client (you) and reproducing the problem if possible. Sometimes this can be done remotely with desktop access software and the phones, but it works much better face to face. Recommendations will be offered verbally but can be provided in writing if requested. A $40.00 service fee will be charged for onsite evaluation. This is to cover for travel and the first hour of service.

Hardware replacement
and testing

Onsite hardware replacement and testing can be done for any components that need to be upgraded or replaced. Some examples would include video cards, input-output cards (IO Cards) motherboards or peripheral equipment such as printers. If I supply the equipment it will be billed at my cost plus 10% and the time to install and test. If the client provides the parts only my time would be billed.